Protect the dynamic cool tones of your stone surfaces with the right bluestone sealer from TSS Pro Sealants. Our store has an extensive lineup of stone sealers that’ll work with bluestones and other natural stone surfaces, so get yours today. Order from our online store right now, and it’ll be shipped to you within a few days.
As the name implies, bluestone is a type of stone that’s found in several shades of blue and gray. It’s commonly used in construction and as a decorative element in landscaping. It’s a very popular material for walkways, patios, and driveways because of its durability and unique color.
Bluestone is actually a colloquial label for stone with blue-gray shades rather than an actual geological term or formation. For the most part, bluestone is usually a type of sandstone and is often used as flagstone. Most have medium porosity and should be sealed to protect the stone’s stunning shades and integrity. In the United States, the term bluestone is used to label most sandstone from Pennsylvania and New York, as well as limestone from the Shenandoah Valley.
Keep Your Blue Hues with Our Bluestone Sealer
You probably already know what flagstone is. Flagstones are usually sedimentary rocks that are often used in walkways and patios. These types of stone are characterized by flat, smooth surfaces and irregular shapes. They come in an array of colors, including varying shades of brown, red, and gray.
Technically, flagstone is just the general term for the category of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks that split easily into flat segments. When someone calls a surface “flagstone,” they’re referring to the fact that the stone is suitable to be used as a surface. It’s durable, relatively easy to maintain, slip-resistant, and has a natural beauty. Most of the stones that fall under this category have medium porosity and look better and last longer if sealed properly.
What does medium porosity mean? Medium porosity stones are characterized by their ability to hold water and other liquids well. They’re often used in areas where there are water applications. Of course, that also makes them vulnerable to stains, mold, mildew, and dirt that water brings with it.
Of course, bluestone surfaces can’t escape this reality. As we mentioned earlier, bluestones are usually some type of sandstone or limestone, which are relatively porous stones. You’ll need to seal bluestone surfaces with an appropriate sealer to prevent them from accumulating stains, dirt, and nasty growths that can mar the surface of these stones.
Luckily for you, TSS Pro Sealants specializes in stone sealants. Our extensive lineup of stone sealants can preserve the stone’s natural color while repelling and preventing stains and other nasty additions that it could accumulate. Whether you need to protect the surface of a bluestone patio or walkway, check out our online store for the bluestone sealer that will help.
Our Recommendation: The TSSPro 150
Although we have several sealants that could work with bluestone surfaces, we have a couple that we would recommend. Since most bluestones are sandstone, our most highly recommended sealant is the TSSPro 150.
This sealant is a state-of-the-art, all-purpose waterborne coating for most natural stone surfaces. The only natural stones we wouldn’t recommend this for are sandstone and travertine. This treatment is a self-cleaning, water-repelling sealant that has two protective layers that can shield your bluestone pavers, tiles, and other outdoor surfaces.
The TSSPro 150 is a high-quality Natural Stone Pro Moisture Tolerant sealant. This possible bluestone sealer offers several benefits, including the following:
- Prevents moisture penetration
- Salt water proof
- Prevents and/or minimizes corrosion from acidic air pollutants
- Minimizes dirt pickup
- Prevents and/or minimizes red clay staining, dirt/soil stains, outdoor vegetation
- Prevents and/or minimizes stains from food and drinks, such as red wine, condiments, and oils
- Prevents and/or minimizes staining from most permanent marker inks
Once the sealant is applied, the stone surfaces will be ready for foot traffic in two hours. It’ll be fully cured after 48 hours, providing your bluestone surfaces with optimal protection against water, heavy foot traffic, and other elements and events that happen outside.
Now, if your bluestone happens to be limestone, we recommend the TSSPro 250. The TSSPro 250 is a sealant specifically made for limestone, concrete, and bricks. Whether your bluestone is limestone or sandstone, we have the sealants your need in our online store. Check them out today and order the amount you need to complete your stone sealing project.
Feel the Advantage of Nano Cross-Linking Technology
All of our sealants make use of Nano Cross-Linking technology to provide stone surfaces with more than ample protection. Our premium impregnating sealers can thoroughly cover the stone surface and prevent and minimize stains and damages so that they remain as pristine as possible. And any stains that do occur can be cleaned with soap and water, allowing you to maintain the blue hues of your bluestone with ease.
Our Nano Cross-Linking technology takes a page out of the chemistry textbook. Cross-linking is the process of linking two or more polymer chains together to form a larger, stronger, and more complex structure. This process increases the strength and stiffness of the polymer, allowing it to repel water, stains, and dirt from breaching your bluestone surfaces.
The Decisive Protection for Bluestone Surfaces
Coat your bluestone surfaces with a sealant that offers a long-lasting, stalwart shield against the elements. Our extensive lineup of sealants can cover almost any situation. Whether you have bluestones, limestone, or concrete, you’ll find the sealants you need in our online store.
Keep the unique blue hues of your walkways, patios, and other outdoor surfaces for a long time with sealants from TSS Pro Sealants. Order the TSSPro 150 or any of our other sealants straight from our online store today. We have the bluestone sealer you need to provide ever-lasting protection for your unique stone surfaces.